Soap Making Method: Precautions For Working With Lye

Lye is an essential ingredient in soap making but it can be quite dangerous. Photo courtesy of Flickr user maoquai
Lye is an essential ingredient in soap making but it can be quite dangerous. Photo courtesy of Flickr user maoquai In Lye Soap Making Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH), commonly known as lye, are essential ingredients for making soap. However, lye in all its forms can be quite dangerous, and there are certain precautions which must be taken when working with lye. Lye is very dangerous if spilled. It is a corrosive material, and can burn skin, or any other surface it comes Read more

The history of soap making: taking a closer look

photo courtesy of flickr user aussiegall
In today's germ conscious society, it's hard to imagine what life would be like without soap. In prehistoric times, before the invention of soap, people bathed themselves with only water, and used flowing water, such as rivers and streams, to clean their clothes. However, the practice of soap making was discovered almost three thousand years ago, and has become an indispensable part of modern civilized society. The earliest evidence of soap making is a soap-like material found in the bottoms Read more

How To Make Soap At Home: Learning The Soap Making Methods

There are various methods which can be used to make soap at home. Photo courtesy of flickr user trenttsd
There are various methods which can be used to make soap at home. Photo courtesy of flickr user trenttsd. In our last post, we explained some of the basic foundations for soap making, including ingredients, equipment and method. We have previously gone into detail on soap making ingredients and soap making equipment, so now it is time to expand on the soap making process. There are various methods which can be used to make soap at home. The basic process for making bars of solid soap is Read more

Soap Making Basics – How to Make Homemade Soap

Lye is one of the fundamental ingredients of soap making, so it's important to understand how to use it properly
Lye is one of the fundamental ingredients of soap making, so it's important to understand how to use it properly. Photo courtesy of flickr user maoquai. Soap making is not only a hobby, it can also be an addiction. You will no doubt be hooked once you start making that first batch of soap (here's our free suggested recipe). Whether you choose to make soap for personal use or for holiday gifts, it is always better to be knowledgeable of the general process. This post outlines the basics Read more

Making Your Own Herbal Soap With A Free Soap Recipe!

Anyone can make herbal soap at home, with ingredients that are readily available in any grocery store or supermarket. Photo courtesy of flickr user nico paix.
Anyone can make herbal soap at home, with ingredients that are readily available in any grocery store or supermarket. Photo courtesy of flickr user nico paix. Herbal Soap Making has become very popular in recent times, although herbal soaps have been pushed out of the spotlight somewhat since the invention of synthetic soap making processes, which tend to yield a more consistent and cheaper product. However, there are still many reasons to make your own herbal soap. You have control over the Read more

Scenting Your Soap – Fragrance Oils And Essential Oils

Fragrance oils are a great way to add a personal touch to your homemade soap. Flickr Markhillary
Fragrance oils are a great way to add a personal touch to your homemade soap. Photo courtesy of Flickr user Markhillary. Scenting your homemade soaps is a great way to personalise your soaps, but with such a wide variety of options is a matter of personal preference. There are two varieties of oils that can be used to scent soap: fragrance oils, and essential oils. Either can be used, according to the preferences of the soap maker. This article will give an idea of the benefits of each type Read more

Troubleshooting Your Soap Making Process

Making homemade soap is a challenging yet rewarding hobby. Flickr Slam Szapucki
Making homemade soap is a challenging yet rewarding hobby. Photo courtesy of Flickr user Slam Szapucki. Producing your own homemade soaps is a fantastic hobby with a great range of healthy benefits. As with anything however, the process is vulnerable to a number of difficulties, which can affect the outcome of the final product. Recently, a reader contacted us on Facebook with an issue on how to stop white bubbles appearing in her soap. Following on from this, we thought it would be a good Read more

How to get rid of white bubbles in soap

Soap bubbles, Flickr Keith Williamson
We are always willing to help with any questions you have regarding making soap at home, or any particular issues you are having with your soap making process. Recently we were contacted on our Facebook page by JJ May with an issue she has been having: get rid of the white bubbles that appear on the top of the soap once poured, [I've been told] you should spritz with surgical spirit. This is all well and good for getting rid of the bubbles but it's also making my soaps stink like Deep Heat Read more

Scent Your Homemade Soap With Soap Making Oils

There are many scents, such as beeswax, you can use to personalise your soap (photo courtesy of flickr user Cuttlefish)
There are many scents, such as beeswax, you can use to personalise your soap (photo courtesy of flickr user Cuttlefish). After you understand the basic soap making ingredients and have mastered a basic soap recipe, you can further personalise your homemade soaps by adding soap making oils. This article will give an idea of the benefits of adding oils to your soap, but for our comprehensive post on essential oils, fragrance oils, example oils, their properties and quantities to add to your soap Read more

The Best Equipment To Make Soap At Home

It's important to use the right equipment for soap making - photo courtesy of Flickr user maoquai
It's important to use the right equipment for homemade soap making - photo courtesy of Flickr user maoquai Making soap at home can be a fun and rewarding hobby. It's also essential to have a good soap making guide - it can be dangerous if the soap maker doesn't research their materials, and take the proper precautions when making homemade soap. Lye is caustic and corrosive, meaning that it burns like acid when it comes into contact with skin or other surfaces. Vinegar can help to neutralize Read more