“Why Make My Own Soap?”
The ability to customize, ensure quality, create unique gifts for loved ones or personalized products for sale, and derive a sense of accomplishment from it all, are a few of the common reasons why people have chosen to make their own soap. In addition, there are other reasons which you may not have yet considered…
Mass-produced soap sometimes contains oleochemicals, derived from fats and oils; other soaps contain petrochemicals, which are derived from fossil oil and fuels. Many people begin making their own soap simply because they can no longer stand the idea of using petrochemicals and petrochemical by-products on themselves or their loved ones; or because of the environmental impact of these chemicals. There’s always the nagging worry of what prolonged exposure of the skin to such chemicals could eventually lead to.
Hand-made soaps are also gentler on the skin than commercially manufactured cleansers because the glycerin is kept in. Glycerin is a by-product of the soap-making process that is typically removed by commercial manufacturers, and re-sold as a valuable moisturizing component for many cosmetic and medical lotions! Unfortunately, the resultant soap is like a pure detergent, which can be drying or irritating to the skin, and especially bad for people with rashes or sensitivity.
Have we been duped by the industry? Why do we have to pay separately for a cleanser AND a moisturizer when they could have come together in the first place?
With the glycerin still in the soap, it stays naturally moisturizing, and is also less likely to crack and fall apart than commercial soaps.
Lastly, natural ingredients are barely used in commercial soap-making, which is a pity because they are better for the environment and tend to yield a higher quality of product than synthetic detergents and processes.
Worry no more about petrochemical effects and take full control over what goes into your soap. Develop a formula just right for your skin-type. Pamper yourself with generous lathers that both cleanse AND moisturize, but do not irritate the skin like commercial soaps do. Express your individuality and share the joy of your unique, natural, lovingly made soaps with family, friends and perhaps customers.
Why wait another moment to start on something you’ve always wanted to do?
If you are interested then check out my Soap Making Made Easy EBooks where I’ve used my 10 years of knowledge and experience to break down exactly what to do, and get all the information you need to pursue your newfound interest!
You’ll get information on the equipment you’ll need, sample recipes, tips for getting started, step-by-step instructions, and much more!